Selected media coverage:
US News and World Report (2022). Mandates, Not Recommendations, Work Best to Get Folks Vaccinated: Study
CNN (2021). 10 things we learned in 2020 about living a good life
Greater Good Magazine (2020). The top 10 insights from the “science of a meaningful life” in 2020
University of Texas news (2020). Cooperation can be contagious particularly when people see the benefit for others
Greater Good Magazine (2020). How kindness spreads in a community
The Philadelphia Inquirer (2020). Make your kindness loud enough for others to hear it
Futurity (2020). Doing good for other people is contagious
Ladders (2020). New research shows helping others is as contagious as any virus
The Annenberg Public Policy Center, Medical Press, Science Magazine (2020). Concerns for infecting others matter more for vaccination in sparsely populated areas
News Medical (2020). Study examines effects of social density and intention vaccinate against COVID-19
Science et Avenir (2020). Vaccin : les habitants des zones moins peuplées sont plus motivés à protéger autrui
Pourquoi Docteur (2020). Covid-19 : les habitants des campagnes plus enclins à se faire vacciner que ceux des villes